Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grandma's Paper Dolls


     These pieces were created for my best friend who lost her grandma a few months ago to a terrible battle with cancer.  Her grandma had an amazing collection of paper dolls from the 30's, 40's, and 50's that she had played with as a child.   My friend wanted to preserve her grandma's collection in four pieces of artwork ----one for each great-granddaughter.  As a collector of paper dolls myself,  I was eager to get started on these fabulous collages.  Fabric---some old, some new make for a lovely back-drop for these mixed media pieces.  Vintage sewing notions (spools, buttons, thimbles) are placed strategically through-out the dolls and there clothing while old Ric-rac, found at a recent stop at a thrift store, is used as a border. Tiny clothes-hangers created out of wire also decorate the art-work.  Distressed and stained, vintage sewing patterns adorn the profiles of the four-some.  Wire that curly-cues at the ends and tea-dyed antique lace were used to create the hanger.  A sprinkle of love and a handful of honor towards Grandma Mary were used as the binding agents (glue) to complete the pieces.

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